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Final Project for Shenkar College 

bod is an ever-growing, interactive avatar that reflect's the nature and behavior of its user.


About the Project:

bod is an illustrated virtual being (avatar) that accompanies the user on his social networks. Unlike other avatars, which are characterized by the user, the bod user has no way in which to design its own image. When a user join the system, he adopts a bod.The avatar's look is influenced only by the way other people see it. The only way to change your avatar, is by having a real  interaction with real friends.

My part in the project was concept, graphic design and... basically everything


Shenkar College, Israel


Roni Kedar (Video Editing), Tom Eshchar, Naama Hirsh, Dan Kashani, Shay Blechman, David Russo, Tom Raven (Video actors)

The bod draws the information about its user's qualities from two sources:


  • The usage of social functions on the internet – chat, talkbacks, tagging, attending events and more.

  • Direct information from the user's  friends from the social networks.

The combination of that information gives an assessment of human traits and they are translated to a graphic language. That language dictates the appearance of their avatar – this is the bod.

bod helps users to understand how other people see them, and is based on the human need for giving and receiving feedback.
bod was selected to represent the final exhibition of Shenkar College in the Israeli media.

Create and produce interactive concepts

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